CEIVASender™ Installation Guide

   The CEIVASender™ is a very efficient application and will run on almost any Windows computer.
200 MHZ CPU or greater
Minimum of 32 MB of RAM
Minimum of 4 MBs of disk space
A Video card that supports thousands of colors (16 bit) at 800x600 pixel resolution works best
  Installation is quick and simple:
1. Download the CEIVASender™ software to your computer's desktop.
2. Close any programs or applications that you have running on your computer.
3. Double-click the CEIVASender™ Installer icon (CEIVA_Sender1_0.exe) to begin the install process.
4. Follow the Installer instructions. In most cases the default options should be used.
5. After the installation process is complete you can start uploading your pictures to friends and family!